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Schneider for automation

What is atuomation?

Automation is the set of technologies and systems that make it possible to control the microclimate of an environment, by monitoring and controlling the temperature, humidity and air quality of domestic, commercial or industrial spaces. Automating the control of heating, ventilation and air conditioning allows you to make the system more efficient and thus reduce energy consumption.

Why choose Schneider automation?

  1. Efficient management: Schneider automation allows you to optimise the management of even complex installations through tailor-made automation solutions designed to maximise efficiency and productivity.

  2. Accuracy and reliability: thanks to the precision of Schneider’s automated systems, human errors can be reduced and greater consistency and quality of results ensured.

  3. Scalability and adaptability: Schneider’s automation solutions can be easily scaled and adapted to any need, from domestic to industrial scale.

Schneider’s proposition

  • Specialised design CONSULTANCY for professionals.
  • professional and safety-compliant FIRST START-UP managed by official service centres.
  • MAINTENANCE and SERVICE by recognised service centres to ensure optimum operation and prolong the life of the installations.
  • WIDE RANGE of products to meet every need.


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