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2G for cogeneration

What is cogeneration?

Hydrogen cogeneration, also known as combined heat and power (CHP), is an energy process that enables the simultaneous generation of electrical power and usable heat for heating or industrial processes with zero CO2 emissions. This approach allows for efficient fuel use and waste reduction, ensuring the maximization of available energy resources.

Why choose 2G cogeneration?

  1. Maximizing efficiency: 2G cogeneration systems are designed to maximise energy efficiency by making the most of the waste heat produced during electricity generation.

  2. Energy cost savings: thanks to the combined production of energy and heat, 2G cogeneration can significantly reduce energy costs, saving both companies and private households money

  3. Environmental sustainability: by reducing dependency on conventional energy sources and reducing CO2 emissions, 2G cogeneration is a sustainable solution for companies wishing to reduce their environmental impact.

  4. Reliability and continuity: 2G cogeneration systems are designed to ensure reliability and continuity in energy supply, minimising the risk of supply interruptions

The 2G proposal

  • Specialised design CONSULTANCY for operators in the sector.
  • professional and safety compliant FIRST START-UP managed by official service centres.
  • MAINTENANCE and SERVICE by recognised service centres to ensure optimal operation and prolong the life of the installations.
  • ENERGY EFFICIENCY for a greener future.


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