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Water treatment

Euroacque for water treatment

What is water treatment?

Water treatment is a series of chemical or physical processes aimed at purifying or softening both potable and process water by removing natural residues that, for example, cause scale buildup.

Why choose Euroacque water treatment?

A wide range of Euroacque products relating to every area of water treatment including:

  1. Filtration – provides advanced filtration systems to remove impurities, sediments and contaminants from water, ensuring optimal water quality.
  2. Disinfection – use of innovative disinfection technologies, such as ozone, UV and chlorine, to eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms from drinking water.
  3. Reverse osmosis – offers reverse osmosis systems for the effective removal of salts, heavy metals and other inorganic substances from the water, making it safe for human consumption and industrial use.
  4. Demineralization – provides demineralization systems for the selective removal of inorganic ions from water, ensuring water quality suitable for specific industrial needs.

The Euroacque proposal

  • Specialized design CONSULTANCY for operators in the sector.
  • MAINTENANCE and ASSISTANCE by recognized service centres to ensure optimal operation and prolong the life of the systems.
  • CONTINUOUS INNOVATION for cutting-edge products.
  • WIDE RANGE of products to meet every need.


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